Harold Geisel, the temporary inspector general of the State Department during Hillary Clinton's tenure, sought to keep early drafts of a controversial watchdog report under wraps in federal court.Everything is so secret. What's there to hide?
Geisel also invoked an executive privilege in an attempt to protect the drafts from prying eyes, after it became clear watchdogs had gotten a hold of them.
"The use of this information and potentially identifying the source of this information for an unauthorized purpose can seriously damage the OIG's credibility and independence," Geisel argued in an affidavit filed June 2013 and obtained by the Washington Examiner.
Geisel claimed the records should be withheld under the Privacy Act and demanded they be returned to the State Department in June 2013.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Official sued to keep Clinton State documents secret
The Washington Examiner reports: