Friday, June 05, 2015

Democrats Angered By Unions’ Hardball Anti-Trade Fight

The Daily Caller reports:
Despite agreeing to oppose President Barack Obama on trade, Democratic leaders are expressing concern with how rambunctious unions have been in their fight against the deal.

“Labor is going a little overboard and I think there is some potential backlash for how far they are going,” Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond told CNN.

The issue has already created a divide on the left, with unions and Democratic lawmakers adamantly opposing the president on his massive trade agenda known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Opponents claim TPP will benefit corporations and special interests at the expense of working Americans and the environment.

“We’ve always known the history of trade debates and local politics can be pretty tough,” Rep. Ron Kind, another Democrat, noted to CNN. “This time is no different.”

The struggles of the Democrat party.