Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Protip from Obama administration to NLRB bureaucrats: Try not to rob anyone with our new rules

Hot Air reports:
Last month, the National Labor Relations Board finally passed the long-threatened new regulations that provide for snap union elections, an attempt by the Obama administration to revitalize private sector unions. Not only do the new NLRB regulations force employers to cough up private data on employees, it also hamstrings them from presenting a competing case or even getting counsel involved in the matter. The NLRB and the administration have argued that the new rules are necessary to keep workers’ rights from infringement, and that it presents no significant burden on employers.

At least, that’s what they’ve argued in public. In a more private mode of communication, the NLRB has found it necessary to ask their own staff to, pretty please with sugar on top, not rob or “harass” employees who may not want to sign up for union representation. IJ Review reported on the memo Monday
A look at coercion.