Monday, May 11, 2015

Opposition to Obamacare’s requirement that every American have health insurance is over 50% for the first time in months, even as more voters report that someone in their family has purchased health insurance through one of the exchanges established under the new law.

Rasmussen reports:
Opposition to Obamacare’s requirement that every American have health insurance is over 50% for the first time in months, even as more voters report that someone in their family has purchased health insurance through one of the exchanges established under the new law.

Just 37% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the government should require every American to buy or obtain health insurance, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That’s down four points from February and the lowest level of support since December 2013. Fifty-two percent (52%) now oppose government-mandated health insurance. It’s the first time opposition has risen above 50% since last summer and the highest this finding has been in 17 months. Eleven percent (11%) remain undecided.
It wasn't supposed to be this way.