Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Comrade Bernie Sanders: ' You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants'

The New York Times reports on authoritarian socialist Comrade Bernie Sanders:
Mr. Sanders advocates a “revolution” to reverse a “massive transfer of wealth” from the middle class to the affluent over the last generation.

He exuded contempt for the “sick” and “disgusting” views of some titans of business who have likened such efforts to Hitler and his persecution of Jews.

“These people are so greedy, they’re so out of touch with reality,” Mr. Sanders said. “You know what? Sorry, you’re all going to have to pay your fair share of taxes.”

He doesn’t flinch over returning to the 90 percent personal income tax rates of the 1950s for top earners. And if reducing income inequality reduces economic growth, he says, that’s fine. “You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants,” he said, “when children are hungry in this country.”
Bernie Sanders wants to limit your choices of consumer goods! Does Bernie Sanders think today's children are underweight?