Thursday, April 23, 2015

The White House And Soros-Backed Open Borders Group Strategize About Bribing Immigrants To Naturalize Before 2016

The Daily Caller reports:
Last week, the White House Task Force on New Americans held a briefing at the Soros-funded, pro-open borders Migration Policy Institute to push its new “Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration.” The Task Force, which seeks to ramp up naturalization rates among non-citizens, grew out of one of the dozen bombshell memos dropped on the American public after the midterms last year. Although barely discussed, it may be the most important memo released that day, even more so than Obama’s twin amnesty programs and the ‘New Priorities on Deportations’ memo which rewrote the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The new Task Force is chaired by White House Domestic Policy Advisor, Cecilia Munoz and its representatives include almost everyone from Obama’s cabinet. Munoz was previously vice president of the National Council for La Raza (or “the Race” in English), an organization that reportedly encourages illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote, pushes for “Reconquista” of the Southwest, and whose founder once advocated for the mass murdering of white people. Still, the group manages to receive millions of your tax dollars annually.
The Democrats need new voters.