Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The GOP's plan to turn Hillary into Mitt Romney in a pantsuit

Politico reports:
“She’s admitted she hasn’t driven a car for decades; she probably doesn’t ever go into a coffee shop and talk to regular people unless it’s for a staged photo-op,” said American Crossroads CEO Steven Law, alluding to Clinton’s portrayal in her campaign’s launch video Sunday. “She really has lived the life of a one-percenter these last several years and it shows.

“We know her team is working to re-brand her as a relatable, regular person; the question is can she actually perform in a way that convinces people she is that person? We think that’s going to be hard for her.”

The outlines of the effort to Mitt Romnify Hillary Clinton are still being sketched. Crossroads, the super PAC that spent $70 million in 2012 mostly on television ads attacking President Obama, is currently in the middle of an extensive research project analyzing voters’ existing perceptions of Clinton and their reactions to a number of potential critiques. But the Republican National Committee has done focus groups that suggest Clinton is more vulnerable to charges of being impervious and bending the rules than anything else tested against her.

The GOP has a rich opponent.