Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Awful Implications of Hillary’s Candidacy

Jeff Tucker reports:
The Clinton campaign for president is going to shake out the same way that the Obama candidacy did. In the end, it’s primary appeal will be to identity politics. Voters will be asked to make possible a historic advance for women. Only this way, we will be told, can we as a nation (people, humanity, whatever) put to rest a long history of subjugation and exclusion.

The history is correct but the solution is not. There is nothing necessarily wrong with cheering the election of a woman president. What’s incorrect is the belief that a woman president will make women’s lives better. Getting someone who shares your identity into power does nothing to improve your life. And if you look at Hillary’s sexual politics — most egregiously mandated equal pay — it will do much to set back the advancement of women in economic life and society.
An article well worth your time.