As in many other cities, in Baltimore the black family has been all-but-destroyed by the welfare state (See Losing Ground by Charles Murray for an explanation of how welfare eliminated the stigma that was once attached to abandoning one’s children). The Baltimore Sun reports that, for decades, at least 80% of all black children are born without a father being a part of their life, with white families catching up rapidly. This has created several Lord-of-the-Flies generations. The rotten “public” schools in Baltimore city have destroyed the employment opportunities of tens of thousands of these children, while the war on drugs, which has caused skyrocketing drug prices and profits, lures them into lives of crime (and death by crime). All of this is a recipe for the mindless destruction of small businesses that was on display in yesterday’s riots and looting. With Al Sharpton reportedly headed to Baltimore, things are bound to get worse before they get better. No sane business person would ever invest in these neighborhoods. Once this is realized in a few years, the absence of drug stores, grocery stores, etc. will of course be blamed on the racism of white capitalists. “Paradise” will at last have been realized.The Blue model .
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Professor Thomas DiLorenzo : “Liberal Paradise” Up in Flames
Professor Thomas DiLorenzo reports: