Sunday, April 19, 2015

Harvard Law mum on invite to controversial lawyer

Watchdog reports:
Steven Donziger is an outspoken, media-savvy lawyer who, according to a 485-page ruling from a federal judge, committed massive fraud in a highly charged case against oil giant Chevron.

He’s also been invited as a featured panelist at Harvard Law School on Friday, which is raising some eyebrows.

“I don’t know (Donziger) and I’m sorry these activities occurred,” said Ronald D. Rotunda, Distinguished Professor of Jurisprudence who teaches legal ethics at Chapman University. “I just couldn’t imagine inviting him to my class and say, this guy has something worthwhile to tell you.”

The Institute for Global Law and Policy at Harvard Law School is the main sponsor of Friday’s event, billed as “The Next Chapter in the Chevron/Ecuador Litigation: Insider perspectives and implications for the future of transnational corporate liability.”
The great moments of higher education.