Monday, March 02, 2015

Obama's Enemy: Connecticut's Roger Sherman, The Everyman Founder

Flashback to July 2013. The Hartford Courant reports:
Connecticut's Roger Sherman was a man of distinctive character and talent. The signer of the Declaration of Independence, which we will celebrate Thursday, was reserved, awkward, quiet, even-tempered, open-minded and extraordinarily active. Sherman had virtually no formal education, but he wound up one of the most accomplished Founders.
There's more:
One of six signers of the Declaration of Independence who would also sign the Constitution, Sherman was alone among the Founders to sign both the Articles of Association in 1774 and the Articles of Confederation (1777). John Adams wrote Abigail in March 1777 that Sherman — who served with Adams on the five-member committee that drafted the Declaration — was an "old puritan, as honest as an angel and firm in the cause of American Independence as Mt. Atlas."

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, Sherman gave approximately 140 speeches.
Here's more on Obama's enemy.