Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Hillary Set Up Her Off-the-Books Email Account the Day Her Confirmation Hearings Began

Big Government reports:
As the Clinton and Obama spin machines roar up to speed, and the legendary Clinton smear machine no doubt begins clanking and farting its way toward Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), let us remember the salient detail of Hillary’s illegal email story: No, dear media, the story is not Republicans complaining about something Hillary did – the story is what Hillary did, and why.

No, it wasn’t a mistake, or an oversight. Clinton’s efforts to drag her correspondence into the unaccountable shadows were carefully planned and deliberate. They required a great deal of cooperation from the rest of the Obama administration, which had to pretend not to notice that none of Hillary’s mail was coming from the State Department’s domain. And we’re not talking about a couple of messages sent improperly here and there, or even the sort of secretive backstage communications network Obama administration officials are so fond of (and which, let us stipulate, politicians of both parties, at every level of government, have employed.)
Why the secrecy if there's nothing to hide?