Monday, March 09, 2015

E.J. Dionne Says Government Is Your Friend in Debate With Bill Kristol. Bill Kristol Vs. E. J. Dionne Debate at University of Chicago (Video)

Chicago Now reports:
Tonight's City of Chicago edition of Public Affairs features, during the first half of the show, host Jeff Berkowitz debating and discussing with Washington Post columnist and Institute of Politics Fellow E.J.Dionne whether the private sector does everything the government does better. The show airs throughout the City of Chicago at 8:30 pm and midnight on Cable Ch. 21 (CANTV).

The second half of the show consists of clips from a 75 minute debate of the same topic, mentioned above, between E. J. Dionne and Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.

The debating styles of Kristol and Berkowitz are quite different. Kristol concedes the main debate point at the outset. Berkowitz defends the resolution head on. Kristol is a "Big Government," conservative. Berkowitz is a Milton Friedman conservative, at least for purposes of tonight's show. Of course, as the show host of Public Affairs, Berkowitz is usually, the tough, challenging, but balanced and fair, leader of the discussion.

Who does better? Dionne? Kristol? Berkowitz? We debate, you decide.
You'll want to watch the entire video. The 17:15 marker begins the segment on the debate between Bill Kristol and E.J. Dionne. The second video has the entire debate between Kristol and Dionne , with better sound.