Thursday, February 19, 2015

Swing-State Voters Not Feeling Community College Plan or Obama In General, Poll Says

Bloomberg reports:
Iowa voters oppose President Barack Obama's free community college plan by a 15-percentage-point margin, according to a Quinnipiac poll released Thursday.

The president in his State of the Union address last month proposed making community college free for more students. The poll found that 55 percent of Iowa voters disapprove of the plan and 40 percent approve. In Virginia, voters were more closely divided, with 51 percent opposed to the plan and 45 percent in support of it. In Colorado, voters were pretty much tied, with 49 percent against the plan and 46 percent for it.

Obama won all three of those swing states in 2012, but today voters there say they want the next president to take the country in a different direction—in Iowa, 58-34 percent; in Virginia, 61-31; and in Colorado, 58-34.
It appears winning three elections in a row will be difficult for the Democrat party.