But this wasn't a one time association with Chicago Democratic Socialists of America, Obama proudly showed up to Comrade Saul Mendelson's memorial service. Mendelson was a a true leader in promoting socialism, and Obama seemed to have been deeply moved by Comrade Mendelson's socialist activism. Senator Obama proudly endorsed socialist Bernie Sanders, when Sanders ran for Senator against a Democrat and a Republican:
Bernie has 100% name recognition the who people who like him you aren't going to change their minds about liking him and the handful of wrongheaded people who don't like him you know you're not going to change their minds either.But,what is important in this election and what I think the essence of the campaign is all of us being activated it's not so much about the candidate in a campaign like this it's about making sure each and every person has the chance to participate and involve themselves in this unbelievable experiment we call democracy the elections are more about us than they are about the candidate they allow us to talk about our values and express our concerns and so I hope that you listen to Bernie and Peter throughout this campaign just keep on reminding yourself that this is really about making sure your values(inaudible) in your participation in the process you're making this country stronger you're making Vermont stronger and you can assure that you're going to be holding these guys accountable not that you have to worry about them they've got enough of a track record you know where there heart is there heart is with Vermont,my heart today is at least with Vermont.President Obama awarded the nation's highest honor two leaders of the Democratic Socialists of America. Comrade Dolores Huerta and Comrade Gloria Steinem, who are honorary chairs of the Democratic Socialists of America. In other news, we are just days away from the DSA's conference entitled "A Basic Introduction to the Thought of Karl Marx". No word yet on whether Barack Obama will join the virtual discussion since he does like hanging out with socialists his entire life. Just a reminder- the central goal of the Democratic Socialists of America, America's largest socialist organization, is clearly stated on their website:
We are socialists because we reject an international economic order sustained by private profitThis is at odds with the U.S. Constitution which guarantees liberty. You can't warmly associate with the Democratic Socialists of America and be loyal to the U.S. Constitution because their goals are so different.