Tuesday, February 17, 2015

NC principals, teachers lectured about ‘white privilege’ during cultural proficiency training

Eag News reports:
Principals and assistant principals in North Carolina’s largest school district are receiving training in “cultural proficiency” as means of countering systemic oppression of minority students.

“I don’t know if we dwell on the fact that different people come from different levels of oppression,” Rodney Trice, the district’s assistant superintendent of equity affairs, told The State. “Our focus is that when they come through the doors, we have high expectations for all students, regardless of whether they come from a high-poverty family or a nontraditional family.”

Trice discussed the cultural proficiency training and other student equity initiatives he’s planning to implement at a school board retreat last weekend. The cultural proficiency training started last month with principals and assistant principals, who were assigned the book “Cultural Proficiency: A Manual For School Leaders” and required to take survey on “privilege and entitlement,” according to ABC 11.

That survey asked school leaders to rank their societal power on a scale of one through five with statements including “I can easily buy dolls and toys featuring people who look like me,” “I can go home from most meetings of organizations I belong to feeling somewhat tied in rather than isolated, out of place, outnumbered, unheard, held at a distance, or feared,” and “I can be sure that if I need legal help my ethnicity will not work against me.”

“It’s a training that incorporates the idea that heterosexual white men in America benefit from a system of privilege and entitlement while other groups have been victims of systemic oppression,” The State reports.
Isn't it time to get rich of public education?