Thursday, February 19, 2015

More Obamacare changes passed than failed

The Washington Examiner reports:

Republicans have voted dozens of times to tweak or trash Obamacare, but here’s a little-known fact: A majority of the attempted changes have actually become law.

A new report from the Congressional Research Service finds that out of 78 changes lawmakers have attempted to make to the Affordable Care Act — including efforts to modify parts of the law or ditch it entirely — more have been signed into law than have been blocked by Democrats.

In total, President Obama has approved 44 changes to his signature health care law. None of them significantly revamp the law — as Obama has consistently said, and White House adviser Valarie Jarrett recently reiterated, he won’t remove its major elements.

Still, some of the changes Obama has endorsed have a broader effect than others. He signed a provision in spring 2014 removing a cap on the deductibles small group health plans could collect from patients.

Just a reminder the next you hear a certain political party is being "obstructionist" concerning ObamaCare.