Thursday, February 26, 2015

Emanuel's big-money effort in aldermanic races sputters

The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel can’t call on the old-school patronage armies that his predecessor, Richard M. Daley, and other mayors deployed to the precincts at election time to help their City Council allies and punish their foes.

So Emanuel has tried to consolidate control over an already docile aldermanic flock by giving his Council allies a strong taste of what he has lots of: money.

The expensive effort at spreading around campaign cash sputtered badly, though, in races across the city in Tuesday’s election.

Like the mayor himself, the nine incumbents who received the largest amounts from the pro-Emanuel Chicago Forward political action committee all fell short of winning majorities and were forced into runoff elections in April
The great moments of Obama's former Chief of Staff.