Friday, January 30, 2015

Rahm Emanuel counts on big donors, with many getting City Hall benefit.America's Most Successful MBA-less Investment Banker Turned Mayor Is For Sale Right At City Hall

The Chicago Tribune reports:
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is building the most potent political cash machine in Chicago history by focusing on an elite circle of donors who frequently receive City Hall benefits, ranging from contracts and permits to appointments and personal endorsements from the mayor, a Tribune investigation has found.

Emanuel has tapped these roughly 100 most loyal contributors for more than $14 million — nearly half of all the money he's raised since he left the White House to run for mayor. All those key donors — consisting of individuals, couples, business partners and firms — are repeat givers.

The mayor regularly courts his benefactors behind closed doors — at their homes, at restaurants, and at the downtown headquarters of their law offices, development companies and investment firms. He welcomes many to his own fifth-floor office in City Hall .

In an unprecedented look at the intersection of Emanuel's political fundraising and his public duties, the Tribune analyzed years of his public schedules, thousands of administration actions and all of the more than $30.5 million in contributions to his campaign funds since he first ran for mayor in 2010.
Rahm , the fighter for his own pocketbook!