Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Few minorities in non-tech jobs in Silicon Valley, USA TODAY finds

USA Today reports:
In 2014, leading technology companies released data showing they vastly underemploy African Americans and Hispanics. Those groups make up 5% of the companies workforce, compared to 14% nationally.

Company personnel leaders — many with titles such as director of diversity and inclusion — admit they have work to do but often cite a "pipeline problem" as a key factor in their inability to hire more computer scientists of color.

But a USA TODAY analysis of employment documents submitted by Facebook, Google and Yahoo to the federal government reveals that minorities are also sharply underrepresented in non-technical jobs such as sales and administration, with African Americans faring noticeably worse than Hispanics.

For example, Hispanics make up 5% of college-educated officials and managers nationwide, 4% at Yahoo and even less at Facebook and Google. African Americans make up 6% of officials and managers nationally, but 2% or less at these three tech giants.

Black and Hispanic professionals — a broad category that includes lawyers, accountants, marketers and computer scientists — make up 5% of all professionals at Facebook, Google and Yahoo but 13% of college-educated professionals nationwide.
The great moments of the Blue coalition.