Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 Box Office: Admissions Lowest Since 1995; How The Studios Rank

Deadline Hollywood reports:
Despite a fantastic Christmas at the box office, 81 million people didn’t buy movie tickets this year. Not only were this year’s domestic admissions of 1.259 billion off 6% from 2013’s 1.34B, but the number of tickets sold hit their lowest level since 1995 when 1.211B people went to the cinema. Calculations are based on this year’s 3Q ticket price average of $8.12 from the National Association of Theater Owners, just a penny off from 2013’s $8.13. The upside is that thanks to Christmas, 2014 crossed $10 billion with a current estimated running cume for January 1-December 28 of $10.22B per Rentrak Theatrical. Some of the major studios are still on holiday with final figures set to be released on January 5. Here at Deadline we’re weighing 2014 according to the fiscal year of January 1-December 31, and we’ll be providing updates about the year along the way (studios tend to include the first weekend of January in their previous year’s hauls). Through Sunday, six studios have made in excess of $1B – Fox, Disney, Warner Bros., Sony, Paramount and Universal – a scenario not unlike 2013. Here we give a rundown of the majors and the mini-majors this year.
81 million is a big number.