Sunday, November 23, 2014

WaPo’s Dan Balz’s message to Hillary: Being the first woman president is not a message

Hot Air reports:
Clinton endured yet another shot across the bow from Washington Post columnist Dan Balz. In a thorough and compelling dispatch which chronicled Clinton’s campaign rollout and the reception it has received from her prospective supporters, Balz warned that Hillary’s bid still lacks a narrative which would compel both liberals and persuadable centrist voters to back her for the White House in 2016.

“It’s fair to say that no one seeking the Democratic nomination — no one who wasn’t already an incumbent president at least — will have the kind of machinery in place that now exists for her,” Balz reported. “Still, machinery doesn’t win elections, which means the second and more important step for her is to know exactly why she wants to run for president again and how she is alike and different from her husband and Obama, and then to be able to articulate those reasons in a compelling and forward-looking message.”