Saturday, November 01, 2014

Huffington Post : Millennials Openly Defy the Obamacare Mandate

The Huffington Post reports:
A few days before the election, the divisive Affordable Care Act (ACA) is back in the headlines once again. According to new data from Enroll America, there was a steep drop in the number of uninsured Americans aged 18-34. The New York Times hailed millennials as some of "the biggest winners from the law."

Hidden in the spin is the fact that the law has barely made a dent with millennials; two-thirds of uninsured millennials remain uninsured. It's true that large government programs need time to raise awareness, but millennials are hyper-connected to news through technology and social networks. They know about the law. They know about the mandate to buy insurance or pay a fine.

They simply don't care.

Millennials are openly defying the government mandate and thumbing their noses at legislators who continue to ignore the issues critical to young Americans. They're fed up with government forcing them to pay for the poor financial decisions of previous generations.
The great moments of ObamaCare.