Tuesday, October 28, 2014

UC Berkeley Students Don’t Want Bill Maher To Speak At Their School

The Daily Caller reports:
Two Muslim students at the University of California, Berkeley claim that liberal HBO talk show host Bill Maher is racist and bigoted, and they have started an online petition to demand that school officials rescind an offer to have him speak at their fall commencement in December.

“Bill Maher is a blatant bigot and racist who has no respect for the values UC Berkeley students and administration stand for,” reads the petition created by student senator Marium Navid and Khwaja Ahmed, a member of the Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian Coalition.

The petition had garnered 2,000 signatures as of Monday night.

The stand-up comedian approached the school in August to speak at the commencement, which will be held on Dec. 20, according to The Daily Californian.
Berkeley students sure have an authoritarian personality.