Thursday, October 09, 2014

Third Rate University to Use Eminent Domain to Steal Property From Productive Property Owners: North Eastern Illinois University Eminent domain controversy becomes issue in State Rep. race

North Eastern Illinois University is looking to steal land:
A scuffle over property rights is heating up around the North Eastern Illinois University, where the school has filed to acquire several properties through the power of eminent domain.

NEIU, which is the only state-owned university that currently does not offer student housing, wants to use the surrounding area to build dormitories. The proposed dormitories will be purchased and developed by American Campus Communities Inc. and will be located on both sides of Bryn Mawr, a block east of the University's campus.

Six of the eight properties to be condemned are refusing to sell and have mounted a neighborhood effort in opposition to what they refer to as a "land grab."
The college bubble has burst, yet third rate North Eastern Illinois University is looking to steal some land from productive property owners!