Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Millennials' Romance With Government is Short-Lived

Government Executive reports:
Millennials working for the federal government enjoy their jobs, but aren’t staying in them very long, according to a new report from the Office of Personnel Management.

Those born after 1980 make up 16 percent of the current federal workforce, and 86 percent of Millennial respondents in the upcoming 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey said their work is important. Millennials also are more likely than other generations working for Uncle Sam to say that their bosses treat them with respect (83 percent) and support their development (66 percent). But that’s where the good news ends: The median amount of time Millennials stay in their jobs is just 3.8 years, and only one-third of those surveyed believed their agencies valued creativity and innovation. Thirty-four percent of those feds age 33 and younger reported being happy with their opportunities to climb the government career ladder.

Those statistics would suggest that the government is doing a decent job of recruiting Generation Y, but is having a hard time retaining them after a few years.
Uncle Sam: the monopoly man.