Monday, October 27, 2014

Mayor Parker tweets frustration over daughter's driver's license process

ABC News reports:
Houston Mayor Annise Parker took to Twitter to express frustration about the process to get her daughter's driver's license.

Parker tweeted "@AnniseParker: Daughter needs drivers test. Has all docs, some in MomA name, some MomK, but w/ birth cert showing both. DPS says can only be from 1 mom!-A."

Friday, she followed up with a tweet saying the third attempt was a success, but with a different set of documents.

Houston transplant Connie Wilson says she empathizes with Mayor Parker's story.

"It's taking discrimination to another entire generation. Somebody who is not married to anyone at all," says Connie Wilson. "This is a child that happens to have two moms."
Two moms, not one.