Saturday, October 18, 2014

CNN Chops Off Black Journo Group At The Knees

The Daily Caller reports:
Well, here’s one way to respond when the National Association of Black Journalists condemns you for treating black employees badly: Cut them off at the knees. Yup. No. More. Money.

On Friday The Wrap reported that CNN has pulled its financial support for the organization for its 2015 convention and job fair. NABJ President Bob Butler announced the stinging news at the Board of Directors meeting Friday.

Last week the black journo group issued a statement condemning CNN under the leadership of Jeff Zucker for the past year. “I know CNN is going through layoffs, but the departure of so many African Americans is worrisome,” Butler wrote in a release with this searing headline: “NABJ Concerned About Atmosphere at CNN for African Americans.”
The great moments of the Democrat party coalition.