Thursday, September 18, 2014

Union boss millionaires lead ‘income equality’ convention

Fox News reports:
Several of America’s wealthiest union bosses spoke at the 2014 Ohio AFL-CIO convention in Cincinnati this week. The event’s theme? “Building the movement for income equality.”

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten portrayed herself and other AFL-CIO leaders as the voices of the working class, although AFT paid her $2,022,274 taken from union members and forced “fair share” fee payers between 2010 and 2013.

Weingarten reminded convention attendees of the need for higher taxes and more government spending to create “good jobs” in the public sector, which would also funnel more money to AFT and other public-sector unions.

Weingarten has a very good job: she was paid $543,150 in 2013 alone.
The special class.