Recently we told you about a study from the New America Foundation showing how changes to the federal student-loan program will wreak fiscal havoc in the future. A new government report shows that Uncle Sam's swelling loan portfolio is already threatening taxpayers.An op-ed well worth your time.
The Congressional Budget Office has released its monthly budget review, with an update on federal revenues and spending for the first 11 months of fiscal year 2014, which ends Sept. 30. Chip Dickson at Discern Investment Analytics spotted the bad news inside: The net cost of student loans had increased by $20 billion. As a result, Department of Education outlays through August of this fiscal year rose to $58 billion from $38 billion in the same period of fiscal 2013.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Student Loans Worse Than Expected: The Congressional Budget Office reports a $20 billion cost increase.
The Wall Street Journal reports: