Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cook County Top Prosecutor's Husband In Hot Water: Anita Alvarez's husband investigated for tax exemptions

Illinois Review reports:
Fox 32 News is reporting that James Gomez, the husband of Cook County states attorney Anita Alvarez, is in has hot water for receiving homestead exemptions on multiple properties.

For the past three years, Gomez has been receiving a homeowner's exemption of about $400 a year for a house he owns on Chicago's Northwest side, while receiving an exemption for another home he owns and shares with his wife, Anita Alvarez.

The law says a person is only allowed to have one exemption.

The problem came to light in a confidential letter from Cook County inspector general Patrick Blanchard to Cook County assessor Joe Berrios. The letter was copied to a top official in the Illinois Attorney General's Office.
Watch the video report down below.

FOX 32 News Chicago

This is the same Anita Alvaraz who thinks no one should own a handgun even for self-defense! Anita Alvarez is against the U.S. Constitution. Check out the interview with Jeff Berkowitz down below.