Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Who is that on anti-Charlie Crist robocall? Charlie Crist : New robocall uses Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist’s words against him — circa 2006.

The Miami Herald reports:
Democrats across Florida heard a mysterious recorded call over the weekend that seemed aimed at attacking likely Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist.

The voice in the recording? Charlie Crist.

“Hi, this is Charlie Crist calling to set the record straight. I’m pro-life. I oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants, I support traditional marriage, and I have never supported a new tax or big spending program. It’s sad that in his fourth try for governor my opponent has resorted to distortions and untruths. … Floridians need a consistent, conservative governor that they can trust. I would appreciate your vote on Election Day.”

Not exactly your standard Democratic primary platform.

But the voice in the robocall really is Crist’s and so were the positions he stressed. But it was Charlie Crist circa 2006 — not 2014.

Charlie Christ goes both ways.