Wednesday, August 06, 2014

U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner: College students not ‘developed’ enough for free speech

Illinois Review reports:
U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Michael Yaki claims campus speech codes need to be tightened as college students are still “developing” and cannot yet handle certain information.

Speaking during a U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (USCCR) briefing on sexual harassment law in education, Democrat Yaki likened restricting free speech on college campuses to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2005 decision to ban the death penalty for minors.

“Certain factors in how the juvenile or adolescent or young adult brain processes information is vastly different from the way that we adults do,” Yaki said according to a transcript from Eugene Volokh, a law professor and publisher of the blog, The Volokh Conspiracy, who also testified at the briefing. “So when we sit back and talk about what is right or wrong in terms of First Amendment jurisprudence from a reasonable person’s standpoint, we are really not looking into the same referential viewpoint of these people, of an adolescent or young adult, including those in universities.”
As you can guess: many modern day "progressives" aren't big believers in the free market for speech.