Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ugly Women Convince Chicago Blackhawks To Officially Ban Stripper Song

SI reports:
Today marks a new day in the history of the Chicago Blackhawks. Today President and CEO John McDonough announced that organist Frank Pellico will not be playing the “The Stripper” during the “Shoot the Puck” promotion. McDonough stated in an interview with the Chicago Sun Times, “I think you’ve heard the last of Frank Pellico playing ‘The Stripper’”.

This year there has been female outrage against the Ice Crew uniforms and the sexism of women in the NHL. The first group of women spoke out against the San Jose Sharks Ice Crew uniforms earlier this year. Now the Blackhawks female faithful has taken to social media to #BanThestripper. Their online petiton and twitter hasttag worked as the Blackhawks have banned “The Stripper”.

McDonough did not state if the selection process of “Shoot the Puck” will change, but it might be tweaked. McDonough stated that “We have to listen” “We have to be aware. We have to react when appropriate-not overreact, but react”.

The Blackhawks speculate that 38% of their fan base is women and they do not want to lose that portion of their fan base. In my opinion, Women on social media are more upset with the women used during “ Shoot the Puck” than the Ice Crew’s uniforms. I had already addressed this issue in a previous article see Should the Ice Girls Change their uniforms . The Ice Crew uniforms are also the subject of the online campaign. McDonough spoke about the Ice Crews uniforms, “They’re very common throughout the league”. McDonough did say that they will have discussions internally about the Ice Crews uniforms.
Some women don't like competition. We are sure many tenured Marxists ,in America's women's studies departments ,have no problem with women being forced to cover up in the name of "equality" : you know like in those Muslim countries. Next on the prohibition agenda? Chicago Blackhawk fan Marissa Miller wants to ban the outfit down below. The haunting fear that somewhere there's good looking women showing some skin in public that hetersexual men are attracted to.