Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Last Falangist: Essays on Culture and Politics in America

Keven Trainor has a new book out:
A military history buff shares his struggles in this collection of essays dating from 2004 to the present day. It's all covered here: religion, society, science fiction, and affairs of the heart.

It is both a personal book and a glimpse, at moments, into the history of what is called "The Blogosphere." Readers are treated to a retrospective of moments in online life—the debates that raged at various points in the 2000s and 20-teens—as well as moments in the life of the author, one of the co-bloggers at the online magazine THE OTHER McCAIN.

It's an intensely personal book, though of general interest to those who a passion for wargaming, anime, convention culture, military history, science fiction, or the lure of romance. As a bonus, there's an appendix that discusses 21 books—Westerns, war dramas, history, Russian novels and speculative fiction—and how they left their mark on the author.

Together, the essays and journal entries comprise a slice of gritty reality by a former Army linguist.
Check it out.