Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rush Limbaugh is right about Obama's war on suburbs

Your Houston News reports:
“What better way to give a boost to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Act and the remaking of American neighborhoods than to start injecting illegal immigrant populations into targeted cities and towns in the suburbs all across the country?“

That was national radio talk show superhost Rush Limbaugh commenting on a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulation, “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing.”

“The concept, as it is properly understood, is to change the enforcement paradigm in order to allow the Department of Housing and Urban Development to essentially decide what every neighborhood in America should look like,” Limbaugh explained.

Limbaugh is right.

Under the regulation, in October the Obama administration will be empowered to condition eligibility for community development block grants on redrawing zoning maps to create evenly distributed neighborhoods based on racial composition and income.

In 2012, HUD dispersed about $3.8 billion of these grants to almost 1,200 municipalities.

And, apparently, if the National Council of La Raza is to be believed, the new rule will help millions of illegal immigrants resettle in communities across the U.S. According to La Raza’s comment in favor of the regulation, “Hispanic families often do not know their housing rights and have cited fear of deportation as reason for not reporting rights violations.”
You can understand why Strongman Obama is shy about talking about this. Many people in the suburbs don't want Section 8ers in their town.