Friday, July 18, 2014

Flashback: Georgetown Professor Carroll Quigley Admits Antony Sutton's Research on Who Funded the Bolshevik Revolution Was New To Him

Conspiracy Archive has Carroll Quigley's candid admission on Antony Sutton's research on how the House of Morgan financed the Bolshevik revolution:

Now, I don’t know everything. And the new book that’s out now, published by the Buckley, I guess it it’s the Bill Buckley, press, Arlington House (I suppose it is Bill Buckley, I’m not sure of that) called ‘The Bolsheviks and Wall Street.’ Oh, we got to go to lunch. ‘The Bolsheviks and Wall Street’ has lots of things in there that I don’t, didn’t know.”
You'll want to read the book. You'll learn socialism isn't a movement of the downtrodden.