Sunday, July 13, 2014

Elian Gonzalez, Call Your Office

IBD reports:
Democrats and our attorney general once favored the forcible return of alien minors to their country of origin, but that was when the country was Castro's Cuba and the horrible condition they fled was communism.

Eric Holder made a very emotional plea the other day when he announced the Obama administration program "Justice AmeriCorps," intended to provide emergency legal representation to the tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors flooding across our open southern border from Central America.

"How we treat those in need, particularly young people who must appear in immigration proceedings, many of whom are fleeing violence, persecution, abuse or trafficking — goes to the core of who we are as a nation," the attorney general said, explaining a program to provide 100 lawyers and paralegals for minors brought here by drug cartels and other human traffickers.

How we treated Cuban waif Elian Gonzalez, who had survived a perilous raft journey that killed his mother to flee the communist tyranny of Fidel Castro's Cuba, speaks volumes about the hypocrisy of Democrats and Holder, who applauded and engineered the forcible return of Elian at gunpoint to Cuba.

Just a reminder.