Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Big Business: Lapdog of the Left -Elizabeth Warren (Democrat-Boeing)

Jonah Goldberg explains the rent-seeking society:
It was a really nice try.

Heritage Action (the activist arm of the conservative Heritage Foundation) invited Senator Elizabeth Warren to speak at an event dedicated to phasing out the Export-Import Bank. The Ex-Im, as it’s known inside the Beltway, has become a favorite target of populist forces on right.
But, Liz Warren isn't against Crony capitalism that's why she didn't show up:
Warren didn’t take the bait. Her spokeswoman told Bloomberg, “Senator Warren believes that the Export-Import Bank helps create American jobs and spur economic growth, but recognizes that there is room for improvement in the bank’s operations.”

Warren’s decision to turn down the invitation sparked numerous charges of hypocrisy from Ex-Im opponents. As one writer for Reason magazine put it, “That’s right: The woman best known for demonizing big businesses nevertheless wants to maintain an outlandishly generous subsidy package for them.”
Elizabeth Warren is the Ezra Klein (Democrat-General Electric ) of the U.S. Senate.