America Rising has a transcript but I recommend listening to the clip. The last minute or two, when Hillary gets verrrrry defensive towards Terry Gross for exposing this vulnerability on her left flank, is pure pleasure. It’s hard to keep track of when big-name Democrats “evolved” on gay marriage, and by “evolved” I of course mean “decided it was politically safe to state their true opinions,” so let me help you out. For Hillary, the evolution didn’t come until March 2013, nearly a year after Obama dropped the pretense that he opposed SSM. Remember, too, that it was her would-be rival Joe Biden blabbing to the press about his own support for gay marriage in May 2012 that nudged Obama to step up, so Biden’s got bragging rights over her among liberals on this point. (And don’t think lefties have forgotten that it was Hillary’s husband who signed DOMA into law.) Her excuse for the long delay is that she was Secretary of State and therefore loath to wade into domestic policy disputes, but c’mon: If she was asked in 2011 whether she supports ending the Bush tax cuts, no one would have blinked had she said, “Of course.” She’s a Democrat.No word yet on this story from former Hillary Clinton roommate Eleanor D. Acheson .
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Hillary clashes with NPR host about why she opposed gay marriage for so long
Hot Air reports: