Saturday, May 24, 2014

'Why didn't they prepare?' Hundreds of VA vacancies, as returning vets strain system

Fox News reports:
Despite rampant allegations of veterans stuck in limbo waiting for care, hundreds of jobs remain unfilled at the Department of Veterans Affairs -- including at some of the very locations where doctors supposedly were too short-staffed to see patients.

A search by on Friday of the USA Jobs federal employment website showed more than 1,080 current vacancies in health-related fields at the VA.

A search of the words “VA” and “physician” yielded 167 jobs openings with top-range salaries of roughly $295,000 a year. There are 18 openings alone in the Phoenix VA Health Care System – the same one facing allegations that up to 40 people died while waiting for treatment.

One full-time position is for the chief of medicine. The vacancy, posted April 15 and open until June 13, comes with an annual salary up to $235,000.
Democide: death by government.