Thursday, March 20, 2014

Will GOP Candidate Bruce Rauner Attack Pat Quinn For His Close Association With Quinn's Financial Angel Chicago Mob Linked Alderman Ed Burke : Was Quinn's Hiring of Burke's Daughter A Way to Pay Back $450,000 in Loans to Burke ?

Will Republican Governor Candidate Bruce Rauner attack the political cancer in Chicago? Illinois Governor Pat Quinn seems to be in hock to Chicago Mob linked Alderman Ed Burke. Will Bruce Rauner bring up the fact that it is kind of strange for a city councilman to have more money in his campaign fund than the Governor??? After all, Quinn had to borrow $450,000 from Alderman Ed Burke. Sometime after that "loan", wouldn't you know Illinois Governor Quinn appointed Alderman Burke's daughter to a $117,000 a year job. Payback? Does this bother Bruce Rauner? After all, Alderman Burke is America's most conflicted politician who has a brother in the Illinois General Assembly, his wife on the Illinois Supreme Court, and hundreds of other hacks in city government. Will Bruce Rauner call for the U.S. Attorney to look into allegations of Alderman Burke and his wife fixing murder trials in Cook County? After all, Chicago's power couple never denied these serious allegations in this book (never suing the publisher). Can Pat Quinn really deny his ties to Chicago Mob linked Alderman Ed Burke?? Will Bruce Rauner question why Pat Quinn associates with a politician that honored a "high ranking made member" of the Chicago Mob.