Saturday, March 22, 2014

Was Former Chicago Police Officer/Rezko Partner Asked to Come Up With Bribe Money to Pay For Obama's Chicago House?

Flashback. The Chicago Sun-Times reports on former Chicago police officer/Rezko partner Dan Frawley:
Later in the deposition, Weaver’s lawyer, Daniel F. Konicek, asks Frawley about what specific information Weaver is supposed to have told Frawley to withhold from federal authorities.

“I’m assuming the information is about the payments made by Rezko to Obama, so we know we’re talking about the right conversation, right?” Konicek asks Frawley.

Frawley doesn’t answer. So Konicek presses him: “Am I correct it was about Obama being paid by Rezko?”

Frawley replies: “I’m not answering that question, based upon my attorney’s instructions.”

Nobody directly involved with the deposition — including Frawley and his lawyers, Weaver and his lawyers, and the FBI and U.S. attorney’s office — would comment.
As you can guess , if Mitt Romney had this in his background we would never have heard the end of it.