A new poll shows Latinos -- a fast-growing and key demographic in American elections -- aren't as fond of Obamacare as they once were.No word yet on whether Nancy Pelosi believes the Koch brothers are financing this poll.
The Pew Research Center poll showed Hispanics are split on whether they approve of President Obama's health-care law, with 47 percent approving and 47 percent disapproving.
The numbers are notable because Latinos have generally been among the health-care law's chief supporters. Other polls have shown they supported the law by a 2-to-1 margin, and a September 2013 poll, before the law's implementation, showed 61 percent of Hispanics approved of it.
Another key minority group that tilts strongly Democratic -- African American voters -- back the law 77-18.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Poll: Latinos souring on Obamacare
The Washington Post reports: