Friday, March 21, 2014

Gates Foundation Lobbies for Feds to Collect Data on College Graduates' Lives

Big Government reports:
A study released by the Gates Foundation is promoting a system that would track the careers of college graduates long after they receive their degrees, attacking the National Association for Independent Colleges and Universities for promoting laws that prevent up-close surveillance of students by the government.

The study, titled "College Blackout," argues that the proposed system, the Student Unit Recording System, would allow a more nuanced approach to studying the value of higher education. This requires knowing the life story of every student and tracking information like income after college and major simultaneously. The data already exists, the study argues, though spread out across a number of government institutions, like the Social Security Administration and the IRS.

While private institutions and some states keep these records, the study argues that the federal government should have this information pooled in one place.