Monday, February 03, 2014

Republican Party Choice in 2014

Red State reports:
In 2014, Republicans have a choice. They can stick with the team that, when in charge, brought us several trillion in national debt, No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, and then, out of power, collaborated with the Democrats on TARP, the GM bailout, and a host of other big spending programs. Or then can replace them in primaries.

This really is a choice. It is a choice because the party leaders who would be in charge of the Senate and House in 2015 are the very same men and women who did those things. The choice comes by your level of engagement in primaries. Many of the men and women who did these things, including Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, have challengers. The strongest message we can send — the choice we can make — is to choose new faces for the Republican Party.
Isn't time to have to real political parties in Washington instead of one??