Monday, February 10, 2014

Report: ‘Avalanche’ of Regulations Still to Come Under Obamacare

The Washington Free Beacon reports:
The Obama administration has yet to finalize 28 additional regulations under Obamacare that could lead to an “avalanche” of regulatory burden on the economy, according to an analysis by the American Action Forum.

A report released Monday by Sam Batkins, director of regulatory policy at American Action Forum, details the billions in cost and millions in paperwork hours that will result from the pending regulations, including the individual mandate, which has yet to be finalized.

“In total, these 28 paperwork burdens total more than 45.7 million burden hours,” the report said. “For perspective, it would take more than 22,800 employees working full-time to complete the new paperwork (assuming 2,000 employee hours annually).”

“Using an average wage rate, these regulations will cost $1.4 billion annually,” it said.

The White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has not completed final regulations for the individual mandate. The mandate is set to go into effect this year and carries a penalty—or “individual responsibility payment,” according to—at the end of the tax year for those who do not purchase “minimum essential coverage,” as dictated by Obamacare.
Who knew under the U.S. Constitution a President could "waive" taxes at his will??