Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Is John Boehner a More Popular Speaker Than Nancy Pelosi? Yes, according to polls. But he still has one more year to match Pelosi's four-year term.

The National Journal reports:
It is bruising to be the speaker of the House—controlling a caucus, deciding on legislation, being the voice of the party, butting heads with opposing lawmakers. It often leaves speakers in the red among Americans.

But how have our two most recent speakers fared?

A new poll released on Wednesday shows House Speaker John Boehner's favorability numbers have rebounded since the government shutdown last October, hovering around the same level as Nancy Pelosi's at this point in her speakership.

According to the Gallup survey, conducted Feb. 6-9, 32 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the speaker. That's better than his all-time low of 27 percent following the shutdown, which most Americans blamed on Republicans. This doesn't mean Boehner is particularly popular. He is still seen unfavorably by 50 percent of the adult population, which is only a 1 percentage point decrease from the poll taken after the shutdown. When he started as speaker, only 22 percent of Americans saw him unfavorably.

But that's still not as bad as the readings for Pelosi when she had the speaker's gavel, according to Gallup's numbers.
But, Nancy is popular with the elites.