In 1977, George McGovern introduced the McGovern Report, which outlined healthy dietary goals for the country. Why, then, have Americans gotten fatter -- exponentially so, especially the young? In 1980, there were zero cases of childhood type 2 diabetes. In 2010, there were 57,636. "That used to be called adult-onset diabetes," sighs Bill Clinton. No longer. Now we have 9- and 10-year-old kids dying of heart attacks and strokes.Will this lead to the banning of sugar? Or more exercise and less video games?
At this rate, in twenty years, 95 percent of the population will be obese, a crisis that affects every aspect of our country's stability from health care spending to national defense.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Is Sugar the New Cigarettes? Fed Up, a New Sundance Film, Thinks So
The Village Voice reports: