Graduate courses taught through American Studies, and cross-listed with the history department include: Gender and Cultural History; Social Theories of Citizenship: The State, the Law and the Public Sphere; Critical Historiographies/Queer Historiographies; Advanced Research Seminar: Constructions of Whiteness in the United States. Undergraduate courses cross-listed with women's studies include Race, Gender and Sexuality in U.S. History (co-taught with Prof. Tricia Rose); Studying Sex, Studying Gender; and Introduction to Lesbian/Gay Studies: Queer Critique (co-taught with Prof. Jose Munoz).Attention NYU students: do you really think taking courses on the above subjects will help you get a job in America???? Is paying sky high tuition at NYU to take a propaganda class from Comrade Duggan a waste of time and money????
Monday, December 30, 2013
The Professor That Wants to Boycott Israel: But Isn't Bothered by Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia , Egypt or Syria- NYU's Lisa Duggan
She's one of the most overpaid professors in America. She's NYU Professor Lisa Duggan. Comrade Duggan is upset that some want to cut her institution off. She's the President-Elect of the American Studies Association: an organization that isn't bothered enough by the human rights abuses in Cuba, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Syria to call for boycotts of those regimes. Comrade Duggan doesn't mind your tax dollars going to subsidize her salary. Check out the course descriptions taught by Comrade Duggan: